Mobile Printing

Mobile Printing 2024

Print from your device wherever you are and pick up your documents during open hours. Please note: Print jobs will stay in our system for 24 hours.

Available at the Brandon, Caille, Downtown, Oak View, Prairie West, and Ronning branches.

3 Ways to Print

Option #1: Upload to website

  1. Start at ePRINTit.
  2. Click Select File and upload the files.
  3. or drag and drop the files you want to print.
  4. Enter in your Guest Name/Card Number.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Release your printing from a kiosk at the Brandon, Caille, Downtown, Oak View, Prairie West, or Ronning branches.

Option #2: Email

Send an email with the attachment you would like to print to one of the addresses below. You will receive a confirmation email from ePRINTit with your Guest Name/Card Number to retrieve your documents. Release your printing from a kiosk at the Brandon, Caille, Downtown, Oak View, Prairie West, or Ronning branches.

Black & White | $0.10 per page

Color | $0.25 per page

Option #3: Public Print App (ePrintit SaaS)

  1. Download the Public Print Locations App. [iOS | Android]
  2. Choose from several options to print. Options may require authorization to access your files.
  3. Choose TBS as your provider to print.
  4. Search Sioux Falls, SD.
  5. Select Siouxland Libraries.
  6. Adjust Print Job Settings.
  7. Select Print.
  8. Release your printing from a kiosk at the Brandon, Caille, Downtown, Oak View, Prairie West, or Ronning branches.

Printing Information

  • Black & White = $0.10 per page
  • Color = $0.25 per page
  • You have 24 hours to pick items up.
  • All printing is on 8.5" x 11" paper.